Hummers Everywhere
Most of Vermont has had more than its share of rain in the last month. The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds arrived in early to mid-May throughout most of the Valley and state. Last week several people were making observations of unusual numbers of hummers at their feeders. For example, I have three feeders on the front porch […]
Babies at Blueberry Lake
Canada Geese and Eight Gosslings [photopress:geese_folsom_5_22_06.JPG,full,pp_image]
Mad Birders Mini-Birdathon at Mad River Path
We had fun on our Saturday Mini-Birdathon despite the weather. After over a week of rain, the Mad River was over it’s banks on the Mad River Path on the south side of Meadow Road. Five of us had good looks at several species, fleeting looks at others (oh, those flighty warblers!), we had two […]
Rain, Rain, and More Rain
The last two weeks have been soggy ones in the Valley, but the birds are arriving anyway. This week we’ve seen the return of Bobolinks, Baltimore Orioles, Indigo Buntings, many species of warblers. Yesterday, two gorgeous Baltimore Orioles investigated the suet feeder, checked out the hummingbird feeder before settling on the orange slices I hastily […]
Mad Birders enjoy Lincoln Mountain Walk
Eight Mad Birders met to explore the Lincoln Mountain area this morning. Many thanks to Bill Martin for being our leader and guide. We started by checking out a great yard close to Bill’s house. We had great looks at Eastern Phoebe, Baltimore Oriole, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Chipping Sparrows. Across the road we chased (and finally […]
Wonderful Day at Herrick’s Cove
About forty birders enjoyed a great walk at the Herrick’s Cove Festival yesterday. It was a bit chilly, but sunny and calm. Highlights included Black-and-white, Magnolia, Yellow Warblers, Common Yellowthroat, Solitary Sandpiper, Warbling and Yellow-throated Vireos, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Swamp Sparrows, and a posing American Bittern. Many of us will never get a better view of […]
Birds Seen Along Mad River on May 6
Eighteen birders enjoyed a walk along the Mad River Path this morning. We saw 26 species with good looks at some recent spring arrivals including: male Yellow Warblers singing, Spotted Sandpipers feeding along the river bank, Baltimore Orioles and Warbling Vireos. Birds seen, in no particular order: Robin Baltimore Oriole Northern Cardinal (heard) Downy Woodpecker […]
Sure Signs of Spring
[photopress:easternbluebird_folsom_04_26_06.JPG,full,pp_image] [photopress:whitethroated_folsom_04_26_06.JPG,full,pp_image]
More Birds Arrive in the Valley
An American Kestrel was sitting on the wires on East Warren Rd, two Tree Sparrows were swooping over the fields on Senor Road, and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker appeared in the yard on East Warren Road today. It’s so nice to have warm sun, warming temperatures, and plenty of birds flying around.
Pond Birds
We are all aware that the ice went out on the Eclipse Pond and the Canada Geese were back nearly as soon as it was gone. Last Sunday the ice went out on the little pond behind the house here on East Warren Rd. As I watched, a pair of Common Mergansers landed close to […]