Juvenile Saw-whet Owl
The sighting of this owl caused a fair amount of excitement here on East Road among our extended family. It was sitting at the side of the house and was seemingly unafraid as it was approached. It looks just like the Juvenile Saw-whet Owl in Peterson’s guide book; the book also implies that this owl […]
Pine Siskins and other Irruptives
This winter is proving to be a good one for birders looking for irruptives – those birds that visit our Valley some years, looking for food. Several Mad Birders and birders all over the east are reporting flocks of Pine Siskins at their feeders. The Hawk Mountain migration report forecast this irruption when they reported ten times […]
Red Bellied Woodpecker!
This Red Bellied Woodpecker was spotted by Joan Gilbert on December 12th. This woodpecker is expanding its range north; they have been spotted by Mad Birders only a few times in the valley. We will keep our fingers crossed that it will stick around for next week’s Christmas Bird Count! [photopress:RedBelliedWoodpecker_JoanGilbert_122008.jpg,full,pp_image]
Look who just flew in from the south…
Pat Folsom got this great shot of a Baltimore Oriole, (back to its original name after being known for a short while as the Northern Oriole,) this morning just after sunrise at one of the feeders at her Waitsfield home. The Baltimore Oriole winters in Southern Mexico, Northern South America and the Greater Antilles. Like […]
Red-winged Blackbirds Signal Spring
Despite the snow and wind, the male Red-winged Blackbirds have arrived in the Valley and across the state. Bridget says blackbirds are the true harbingers of spring. Rejoice!!
Pine Grosbeaks and Snow Buntings still being spotted in the Mad River Valley, but numbers are down and their days south of their breeding territory are due to come to an end soon.
[photopress:male_pine_grosbeak.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:female_pine_grosbeak.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:GRosbeak_in_flight.JPG,full,pp_image] [photopress:Snowbuntings.JPG,full,pp_image]
Barred Owl Sightings Numerous This Winter
[photopress:Barred_Owl__Jan_24_2008.JPG,full,pp_image] There have been many Barred Owls reported in the Valley and around the state this winter. One of the Valley Christmas Bird Count teams spotted three on December 14. The Barred is the most common species of owl in the Valley, but the number being seen during daylight hours is very unusual. Many residents […]
Snow Buntings visit Waitsfield
[photopress:Snow_buntings_Jan_22_2008_1.JPG,full,pp_image] Sandra snapped this shot of Snow Buntings feasting on white millet at a platform feeder in her yard in Waitsfield.
Birding the January Thaw
Bohemian Waxwing [photopress:BohemianWaxwing_20071129_folsom.jpg,full,pp_image] Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls [photopress:RedpollsAndPineGrosbeaks_20080110_Folsom_1.jpg,full,pp_image] High temperatures, rain, freezing rain, high winds – not welcome weather in the middle of January in Vermont. However, sometimes interesting birds show up during turbulence. This winter has many irruptives (birds that normally winter in Canada, but show up when food supply is short) visiting […]
Hoary Redpoll Sighting 12/23/07
This winter many Common Redpolls are visiting Vermont — typically they arrive in large numbers every other year when their food supply in the northern boreal forrest crashes. We think Pat found one Hoary Redpoll within a flock of 70 Common Redpolls. The red spot on the head looks smaller than on the Common, also […]