As the temperatures drop, leaves turn, and daylight hours diminish, most of the warblers have headed south, but birding is still good. The geese, raptors, and sparrows are moving through.
The Song, Chipping, Swamp and White-throated Sparrows are still around; White-crowned, Lincoln’s, and Dark-eyed Juncoes are showing up in good numbers, and Fox and American Tree Sparrows will arrive soon. Rare sightings of Nelson’s Sharp-tailed has been reported on VTBird, along with good discussion on locating this elusive little bird. Plan to get to Dead Creek to see the Snow Geese and some sparrows this month.
VTBird (see recent messages at and Murin and Pfeiffer’s book, Birdwatching in Vermont, Chapter 5 (shows when birds are seen in the state) are good resources. Be sure to take your binoculars when out for those foliage trips. You never know what you’ll find.
White Crowned Sparrow