Hummers Everywhere

Posted on Wednesday 7 June 2006

Most of Vermont has had more than its share of rain in the last month.  The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds arrived in early to mid-May throughout most of the Valley and state. 

Last week several people were making observations of unusual numbers of hummers at their feeders.  For example, I have three feeders on the front porch and two on the back.  It is normal to see one of two birds on these feeders at a time.  However, last week I counted a dozen birds at once, four birds on one feeder, several hovering or sitting on branches weiting in line.  People on VTBird listserv suggested that more birds will visit feeders during heavy rain because the food is easier to access than flowers. 

 Today, as the rains returned, I witnessed the same thing.  This time eight birds visible at a time.  Never have I seen hummingbirds share a feeder in Vermont like this.  The scene reminds me of the Southwest, where there are more kinds of hummers, all hungry and sharing.

There is a group in New England keeping track of hummingbird activity throughout the region.  Check them out a

 What is the hummer behavior in your yard?

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