One of the big surprises of the 2009 Mad River/Northfield CBC was a dozen Northern Bobwhite seen on Common Road. These birds were seen at several houses during the winter, then were not reported for awhile. It was assumed that they had perished, since they are not supposed to be able to survive this far north for long. They are sometimes released by hunting clubs and seen in the area.
Covey of Northern Bobwhite Quail delights viewers.
Ms. Bobwhite - one of the original dozen?
Early in the summer, three Bobwhite were seen at a feeder on East Warren Rd. As of late August, one female was still visiting the feeder, but has not been seen recently. In the CBC publication for 2009, these Bobwhite were featured in the “Nice Try” category. The only other Bobwhite seen in New England’s CBC were single birds seen on Cape Cod.