Seventeen Mad Birders turned out at the home of John and Sandra Reilly in Waitsfield, Vermont this past Saturday evening for an informative and entertaining evening about Common Loons. Loon Biologist Eric Hanson of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies’ Loon Recovery Project gave a slide show and talk about loons and delighted Mad Birders with his imitation loon calls and some surprising facts about loons: 1) For the first three years or so of their lives, loons don’t migrate, but simply stay on their winter territory; 2) For a few months every year during winter loons lose their flight feathers and simply can’t fly; and 3) Loons don’t mate for life. Eric’s remarks were followed by a showing of Gail Osherenko’s documentary film: The Dark Side of the Loon, about the wintering grounds for loons, which was also very illuminating. The Mad Birders will be making a contribution to the VCE Loon Recovery Project and thank Eric for his time and dedication to this beautiful and fascinating species of bird.