Common Loon
The eerie calls and striking black and white plumage of the common loon captivate those of us who spend time on northern lakes and ponds between April and October. Then the loons disappear. Quiet descends. Where do they go? How do they survive in winter? Common loons change their brilliant breeding plumage for dull feathers that provide better camouflage in winter, but make them less obvious in the marine environment. They seldom call, so it’s easy to miss them even in the bays and harbors we frequent.
Come join the Mad Birders at the home of Sandra and John Reilly in Waitsfield on Saturday April 24th at 7:30PM for a free showing of The Dark Side of the Loon, a documentary film by Gail Osherenko. www.darksideoftheloon.com
Bring a dessert to share. For questions email info@madbirders.org or call 496-4730.