A Winter Visitor to the Valley
The Mad Birders will hold their annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count on Friday December 18th. Don’t miss your chance to see which birds have arrived from the north or are sticking around to spend the winter in Vermont. The beauty of the count is that you can’t count on the weather! It could be cool, clear and crisp… warm and sunny or snowy and blustery. The birds govern themselves accordingly. Join us on Friday December 18th and finish the day in nature with a celebratory pot luck at the home of Pat and Scott Sainsbury. We’ll also have a planning session on Tuesday December 1st at the home of Jeannie Elias at 6PM. That session will also feature a pot luck. A little known fact is that most birders are absolutely wonderful cooks…so come join us and share the birds. It is a great way to have your cake and eat it too. For details call Jeannie at 496-4730.